Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 16 - Jeff

OMG, was certainly a tough final day....

It appears as though military training includes waking up at 6am and making lots of noise, reminiscent of my childhood where once my father got up, everybody got up, just as well, an early start for a short 8k day and home early.

Make breakfast, appears as though I am cooking for 5 now, Julie, Glen, me and the odd couple who decided not to bring food, breakfast out of way, time to get into kayak for the last time at 8:30.

Ok, here is where day goes downhill, I am a crazy planner when it comes to these kayak trips, I have everything and more than most should and when it comes to route planning, well, I have it marked down to the Km and can tell you every twist and turn, so why when I turn GPS on it said 17.9km is beyond me, swore it was 8. Obviously Julie not as enthusiastic as I am seeing as I was yelling 8k left since last night, oppps, she takes it it like a trooper.

Until.... We get 30km wind head on, no protection, 1-2 foot whitecaps and 3 - 4km gaps to cross, to say today was a day of slogging would be an understatement, on the positive side it was gorgeous out and we have an end goal!

We cross the last 3k stretch into Kingston at 1pm and with a sigh and raised hands we smile, it's always an amazing sense of accomplishment to finish without issue.

Get my truck which thankfully is still there, we pack up then drive Glen back to pick up his truck at Chaffey's Lock, on the road at 4pm and home at 7:08.

So nice to have a hot shower and eat with real cutlery, it's the little things....

Thanks Glen, was great to have you along for the last 3 days, will be memorable.

Julie, what can I say, you are the best paddle partner anyone could ask for, wouldn't want to do it without you and wouldn't be half as fun.

I will be posting some reviews of the new gear from this year when I get a chance and my thoughts on the Rideau as a paddling destination, including comparison of the Trent Waterway.

Hope you have enjoyed following along and we will see you next year, we have some great trip ideas and might even bring the 4 kids.

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